Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lugu Lake

Uk & Ireland x OC RR, Group 250, from Ceci, China

Lugu Lake in Yunnan Province.

Lugu Lake is located in the North West Yunnan plateau in the centre of Ningliang Yi Autonomous County in the People's Republic of China. The middle of the lake forms the border between the Ninglang County of Yunnan Province and the Yanqing County of Sichuan province. The formation of the lake is thought to have occurred in a geological fault belonging to the geological age of the Late Cenozoic. It is an alpine lake at an elevation of 2,685 metres (8,809 ft) and is the highest lake in the Yunnan Province. The lake is surrounded by mountains and has five islands, four peninsulas, fourteen bays and seventeen beaches. Lugu Lake is a natural lake in the Hengduan Mountain System, and has a horseshoe shape. The shoreline of the lake is occupied by several ethnic minorities belonging to the Mosuo, Norzu, Yi, Pumi and Tibetan tribes. In the Mosuo language, Lugu means "falling into the water" and hu means "lake" in Chinese, which combined together give the name of the lake.

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